Thursday, February 18, 2016

Firearms + American History - Libertarian Writer -

Are you a firearm-savvy writer who thinks like a marketer? Here's a chance to freelance while helping spread powerful ideas about freedom in America! We are hiring a talented researcher + copywriter to create: a. Digital guides (~1000 words/each) b. Infographics (compiling data & managing infographic creation) c. Autoresponder emails (~500 words/each) At, we seek to arm and educate our American customers, both physically and philosophically. How? By leveraging their interest in firearms to discuss broader topics of self-reliance, personal sovereignty, civil rights, and American history. You must have: - Expertise in firearms - Interest in American history - Be a fan of Ron Paul! Initially you will create: A series of 10 emotionally compelling digital guides + 10 auto-responder emails. -> See below for specific topics you'll write about. If our initial engagement goes well, there is potential for future on-going copywriting projects. (Note: Guides are measured for success based on coverage they receive. Emails are measured for success based on open rates and engagement rates (clicks + forwards).) Some of the specific topics you will research & write about include: - DIGITAL PRIVACY - securing online life from unauthorized snooping (including VPNs, secure email, etc. plus state-sponsored threats such as stingrays, national security letters, fusion centers, etc.) - AMERICAN HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS - such as President Washington’s First Inaugural Address, President Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, Benjamin Franklin’s epitaph, etc. - GUN SALES IN AMERICA - including growth of gun sales as result of President Obama's election (We plan to do an updated version of - HOMESCHOOLING - AMERICAN HISTORICAL FLAGS - Ex: Gadsden Flag, the Gonzales Flag, Captain Scott’s Independence Flag, etc. - AMERICAN MILITARY CREEDS - Ex: Rifleman’s Creed, Ranger Creed, etc. - NOTABLE SUPREME COURT CASES - Ex: U.S. vs. Cruikshank, Presser vs. Illinois, U.S. vs. Miller, etc.

from ProBlogger Job Board

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