Monday, September 14, 2015

Get Paid To Write About Copywriting/Writing/Creativity -

Hi, I'm looking for an expert blogger/content creator who can replicate content like this >>> (mine) (others that I like) Specifics: - 1000 to 2000 word posts - 10 - 20 relevant outbound links per post - Good use of images (can be extracted from around the web) - Well researched, concise, and organized presentation of information - Must be able to answer the question, "What does the reader get from reading this?" I am looking for 3 - 5 posts per week. I may require more than one writer to accomplish that, so even if you can only submit one or two posts per week, don't be shy about applying. Also... I'm looking for this same content writer(s) to help me create opt-in/Lead Magnet offers (usually about two per month) like these examples: What You Get: - Steady and consistent work from a low key client - Clear direction and clear expectations - An editorial calendar to make your tasks more predictable and to help you in the creation process - A chance to have your creative input heard and utilized - An oppourtunity to learn more about marketing, copywriting, the creative process, and more - A chance to improve your craft and get paid to do it What I'm Looking For - Quality posts that help people become better at copywriting, marketing, and being creative - A writer who can communicate with me (their client) effectively - I'm not a fan of radio silence. At all. - A writer who can roll with the editorial punches and make content to match my specific parameters (don't worry... there's no keyword stuffing here) - Someone who likes to dig into deep research - go the extra mile to create a piece of content that is unique and helpful - Consistency in production and delivery If that sounds like you, then I'd love to keep you as busy as you can handle. I'd love to get started as soon as you are available. In your application please write "Portland Rocks" at the top so that I know you've read the entirety of this posting. I look forward to receiving your applications. Thanks, Mike

from ProBlogger Job Board

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