Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Blogger for a European Removal company - Indalo Transport

I require a blogger for my UK and Spain based removals company website, to write a unique high quality weekly blog post of at least 1,000 words. I’d like each post to have 3 or 4 photos/pictures, and you’ll need to be able to source these as well. Indalo Transport offers removals between The UK and all of Europe, and a delivery service from the UK for expats living in Spain. I’d like the Indalo transport blog to entertain, educate and inspire people in all things related to being an expat in Europe, as well as have posts specifically to help those thinking of moving. These posts have got to be super helpful, in depth and sharable. While I will have some topics that I’ll want covered, your suggestions on topics will be invaluable too. You must be able to write in a conversational, friendly tone. Your ‘reader avatar’ is someone from the United Kingdom, from age 30 up, who is thinking of going to live elsewhere in Europe, or is already living abroad.

from ProBlogger Job Board

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